About The Council
The Parish Council is the tier of local government after the District Council (our District Councillor is William Heslop) and the County Council (our local County Councillor is Angus Thompson). The Parish Council comprises four village residents who freely give their time to represent the interests of the village and work to improve quality of life and the local environment. They are advised and supported by the Parish Clerk.
Your Councillors

Ian Moreton
Ian grew up in Kent, but has lived in the North East for more than twenty years, the last ten of these in Skeeby. The first thing that struck him was the sense of community as villagers prepared for the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations in 2012. Ian quickly got involved, helping to manage the village hall.
Having retired from his academic role at Durham University, Ian now enjoys his new role as ‘under gardener’, escaping occasionally to play golf. When the garden is less demanding, he is to be found tinkering in his workshop, indulging a lifelong love of woodwork.
The newest of the current Parish Councillors, Ian believes that there should be a balance between maintaining and conserving the village, and embracing changes that ensure Skeeby remains a desirable place for 21st century living. Ian was elected as Chairman in May 2022.
John Budden - Vice Chairman
Keith Richardson​
John Frankland
Willian Heslop - District Councillor
Angus Thompson - County Councillor
Nadine Dudman
Parish Clerk
The Clerk is the sole employee of Skeeby Parish Council.
To contact the Clerk, please email: skeebyparishcouncil@gmail.com.
For information not available on our website please contact the Clerk on the email address above.